Work With Me

Have you tried all kinds of diets, cleanses and fitness programs on your own just to find you don’t get the desired results or you just find yourself not sticking with it?

Are you currently suffering from chronic pain, or are dealing with an autoimmune condition that could benefit from holistic programs and therapies, but you don’t know where to start?


Then… It may be time to partner up! Why?


Because going through a major life change ALONE is no fun and can be very difficult!

As your health coach I will both motivate you and hold you accountable. We will get clear on your goals and will work on any areas of your life that need a little more love.  I will share practical, tangible tools and educational materials that will help you master the new YOU!

The coaching session is an opportunity to develop a customized guide towards your health. During the initial consultation we will review your health history (form will be provided) as well as discuss your lifestyle and any specific goals you have in mind.  

Below is a list of coaching options that I offer. If what you had in mind is not available? Email Me!  We may be able to work something out.




6 Month Reboot Package

Four 60-minute sessions a month for 6 months.

My most popular program!

This program focuses on long-term transformation. It touches every aspect of your life, not just health and fitness. If your intentions are too lose weight, manage a chronic illness, or end pesky habits and more… this is your ideal package!

3 Month Wella Package

Four 60-minute sessions a month for 3 months.

This program is designed to focus on a specific area of your life. If you’re looking for some guidance, a hand to hold, some tough love and real accountability this is for you!



90 minute Meeting of the minds

This is a one-time 90 minute power session. If you have specific health and wellness questions, wish to follow up (after completion of one of the monthly programs) or need a pick-me up, set up your call today! .